Tests For Diagnosing Dyslexia
An adult that is suspected to have dyslexia can take tests to know whether he or she is positive for the condition. If you think that you have dyslexia, then it is recommended that you take a test. There are basically two types of tests that you can get, namely screening and comprehensive.
Screening Tests
Screening tests are specially designed to narrow down the number of candidates for the condition. These are typically used in schools, in which a number of students take it and those who yield a positive result are identified to take a more thorough testing procedure.
These are not really specific tests for dyslexia. However, they are simply designed to help out researchers to identify and focus on students or individuals who appear to have difficulties in regards to their studies, and who may have a possible case of dyslexia.
Such kind of test can be taken both by adults and children. Some companies can give out a test like this to identify who among their employees are somewhat challenged, specifically in reading, writing and math.
Usually, a screening test is consisted of a small number of short questions, like: “Do you have difficulty with spelling?”, “Were you unenthusiastic to go to school?”, “Do you find following directions difficult or confusing?”, “Do you have troubles with math?”, and the likes.
A person that yields a positive through this test may be having problems due to a number of causes. Some of the possible reasons are: Attention Deficit (ADHD), emotional problems, dyspraxia, autism, delayed learning, and possibly dyslexia. Screening tests are not really considered as a valid test for dyslexia, but these can be very useful for researchers.
Comprehensive Tests
The second type of test is comprehensive tests. This kind of test for dyslexia takes a look at the person as a whole. It also examines and tries to find out the root cause of any kind of learning difficulty that you may be experiencing.
Taking a comprehensive test simply means that you would have to undergo thorough testing. ‘Thorough’ in the sense that you would have to go to the extent of having your brain tested. Here your brain is examined to know which of its parts are functioning, which ones are not, and which are interfering with your acquisition of normal learning.
Not only do you have to get your brain checked, but also have to take a number of aptitude tests. Initially, your reading, comprehension, and spelling skills are to be tested. They also get your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) by giving you intelligence tests. Additionally, you would also have to take visual tests, visual scanning tests, laterality tests, sequencing tests, reversal test and the likes.
These are just some of the general tests that are given when you get a comprehensive kind of testing. However, the number of tests given can still vary, depending on the institute or professional that is giving you a comprehensive assessment. So this means, some may give you more or less, than those tests mentioned above.
Usually, a psychologist is the one that administers a comprehensive test. After all the data are analyzed, all of the test results are compiled into one complete report. In the report, you can see the conclusions about your condition along with the evidences for them.
Childhood And Adult Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a learning disability that can affect children greatly during their school years. However, this condition doesn’t only have its effects on childhood but on adulthood too, especially in the workplace. The thing is, unlike in childhood where dyslexia has a great negative effect; in adulthood, the effect can vary from positive to negative.
A Look Back At Childhood Education
The educational methods used today are somewhat limited in regards to teaching students with reading, math and writing problems, the basic literacy skills that a child needs to know. Although most wouldn’t observe this problem, a lot of people with dyslexia are greatly affected by this limitation.
From the very start, the school system is observed to be stacked against dyslexics. This is because a person with dyslexia is "real world" thinker, which means the use of concepts and pictures is the main method to learn, instead of using mental sentences.
Thus, special training is required for them in able to master written language’s basics easily.
A Disability With A Twist
Even though dyslexics have lots of problems with learning, this is not an indicator that they are stupid, unlike what most people think. Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Churchill, Edison, Whoopi Goldberg, Greg Louganis and Walt Disney, were well thought-out to be "dummies" by their classmates, teachers, family and friends, during their first few years of school.
However, one way to look at the situation they were in is that they weren’t really suffering from a learning disability, but instead a teaching disability.
A lot of teachers just do not know the correct and appropriate methods for teaching and presenting information in the way that a dyslexic child can understand. As a consequence, these children are sometimes warehoused into "special ed" classes.
But sometimes, getting into a special ed class can cause the loss of self-esteem. This then becomes the trigger to the syndrome, which makes dyslexia even worse.
Sadly, this kind of attitude is sometimes carried over into adulthood.
Additional confusion, stress, coupled with heavy concentration, can only increase the attention and perceptual problems that the child is already having. The more struggle a dyslexic has, the more hard reading becomes.
Out Of The Cage: Welcome To Adulthood
As a dyslexic, once you get to finish school and start adulthood, life may seem easier for you. In fact, a lot of "learning disabled" people turn out to be highly successful once they are free from the boundaries of school.
With this condition, you may think that you simply have a knack for an activity. What you don’t realize is that this knack actually stems out from the same root as dyslexia -- your ability to mentally combine real world and imaginary images in an intuitive or creative way.
This talent can cause tremendous turmoil with your reading and writing. But when it is used for fields like the arts, sports, engineering, invention, salesmanship, and strategy, it can actually produce wonders!
This breakthrough from childhood to adulthood is really a notable event in the life of a person with dyslexia. More often, they can get their lost self-esteem back since they have found something where they are successful in.
Sadly, not all cases of dyslexia have this kind of pattern. There are times when adulthood comes, the worse the condition gets. However, this mainly depends on the personal outlook of the person. That is why a positive outlook should be promoted.
How To Manage Dyslexia At Work
Dyslexia can have some effects on you while being in the workplace. Here are some techniques that people with this condition usually do to deal with problems that their condition may bring upon while working.
Write It Down
When organization becomes a problem, writing things down can be beneficial. If you have to manage some work related or personal tasks, you try putting them into writing. By placing them in a sheet of paper, you can be sure that you don’t forget them.
Starting there, you can go get a notebook and designate your tasks to specific days of the week. Make use one page for one whole day. Also, try to allocate your tasks a specific time, in which you have to complete it.
When you are finished with that, place the other remaining tasks in another page. These would be your long-term tasks. Once you complete a task within the day, cross them off the page or try to reorganize what you have written.
If you have some tasks that you do not get to do or finish, then roll them off to the next day. You can also put in reminders and birthdays on the pages. Basically it’s like making a throw away organizer.
If you are a highly visual person that can learn best if you writing things down, then this method can work wonders with you. Additionally, it can give you the feeling of confidence since you have managed your tasks and have written it on paper so you would not forget.
Silence Please
Some dyslexic people only need a quiet environment in order to function and work properly. Finding a quiet place at home or at your workplace may just be the thing you need so that you can gain control and concentration on your work.
Some simply go to their ‘quiet spot’, close their eyes, and starts typing freely ong their computer. This is one way of letting your creative side gush out and take control. If you think of it that way, you wouldn’t have to bear with the endeavors of trying to think about the correct spelling of words.
If directions are your problem, then you can make use of the landmark method. Here, you notice and observe landmarks to find your way around, instead of using street names. For example, you can find your favorite restaurant by simply remembering that it is beside KFC and McDonalds.
The use of highlighters can prove to be very beneficial, whether you are working or studying. When you are reading books, try to highlight them to mark where you have left off. You can also highlight memos or written instructions that are given to you at work. In this way you can read them without the white glare, which highly disturbs a lot of dyslexics when reading.
Key Point Marking
Whenever you are reading a written document or memo, try to mark the key points so that when you reread them, it can be easier for you. However, be sure that you only write on documents that you are allowed to write on, or else this can be a cause of a big problem for you.
These are just some of the ways on how you can lessen the effect of dyslexia when you are working. A specific technique can be effective to one person, but not to another. Thus, doing some experiment and testing on which techniques are effective for you are needed.
Educational Approaches For Dyslexics
Adult dyslexics can face a lot of educational and training issues due to their condition. However, such learning problems are addressed through special education and training.
Special Schooling For Dyslexics
One common issue is whether there is special schooling that is available for dyslexics. Yes, there is special schooling, and often the remedial provision that you can receive would highly depend on the severity of the difficulties you are experiencing.
Some adult dyslexics may already have their own well acquired strategies to be able to read and cope up with their problems. However, these strategies are often temporary, which is why learning techniques from professionals is still very much recommended and needed.
Getting special instruction can improve your reading speed and confidence. Additionally, you can learn to make greater use of illustrations and diagrams. Problems like spelling and writing difficulties may entail a persistent period of special education. However, most of the cases are not impossible.
In fact, a lot of adults easily learn the special techniques that they are taught, and because of this, they quickly gain self-confidence, and overcome personality and social issues. With the help that they are receiving, they can also feel that they do matter and there are people who understand what they are going through.
Getting a special education for your condition is not a sign of weakness, as a lot of people may think so. Dyslexia is a special condition that needs special and appropriate attention. Thus, getting into special schooling is just the right thing to do, and is not something you should be ashamed of.
Essential Components Of Training Programs
The training programs for adult dyslexics have a couple of general essential components. These components should be present in any kind of learning program for dyslexic people. So if you are considering on getting into a program, try to observe if the program has these components or not.
Targeting Short-term Memory
First is to accommodate the dyslexic’s weaknesses, particularly with regards to short-term memory. Additionally, the materials used in such programs should be specialized in a way that it is more manageable to be used by a person with dyslexia.
Short-term memory is one if the waterloos, which dyslexics have. That is why in any kind of learning program for dyslexics, this is one aspect that should be targeted. Whether the problem be with words or with numbers.
Optimal Results From Education
Programs are also used to compensate for your perceptual weakness. In able to do this, most educators use a method of teaching that has a multi sensory approach. This kind of learning is very effective and efficient since it can stimulate your learning by using all your senses.
Through the use of your visual, auditory and sometimes even your tactile and olfactory senses, your learning experience is heightened. This is because studies show that it easier for people to remember what is being taught to them if all their senses are active.
The Use Of Other Specialized Methods
A program should also make use of other specialized methods to enhance your learning experience. Other than the multi-sensory approach, other means of making your learning easier should be present.
Some of the other ways to easily grasp what is being taught to you is through the use of mnemonics, mind maps, visual images, speed reading and the likes.
The Importance Of Assessing Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a condition that you should not be afraid of. Additionally, it is something that you should not be ashamed of. In fact, a lot of dyslexic people are very much successful. Some of these people are Da Vinci, Einstein, Susan Hampshire and Jackie Stewart. They are just a few of the many dyslexics that are very successful in what they are specializing in.
These people are proof that as a person that is suspected to have dyslexia, you should not be afraid at all. Even though dyslexia is considered to be a learning difficulty, a lot of geniuses have risen from the condition. In fact, people with this problem tend to have a different kind of thinking and way of solving things, which most of the time appears to be their advantage to normal people.
Most of the time, dyslexic people appear to be very gifted in visually-based skills like sculpture, art, architecture, design, and engineering. They are also usually original, creative, and lateral thinkers. Being one, you can devise your own original, often extremely successful, if quite unusual, ways to problem-solving. Because most dyslexic people have to try hard in able to succeed, a lot of them usually develop qualities like determination and extreme attention to detail, to a notable degree.
Why Get An Assessment
Getting a formal assessment can be very helpful to you, especially if you are already in college or working. In this way you can know what the real reason is for all the difficulties that you are experiencing. Other than that, there are other advantages that assessment can bring about. Here are some of them.
The Need For Additional Guidance
Getting a formal assessment for this condition can reveal if you are in need of additional guidance or not. It can show whether you have to take some extra training or get some instructions from a professional. Sometimes, people with dyslexia have to undergo language therapy with a speech and language pathologist, to cope up with the skills that he or she is having difficulties with.
In fact, there are some difficulties that one can overcome as a dyslexic, provided that you undergo the right training for it. Thus, you can still get some improvement, if only you would allow for it to happen.
Dyslexia is a somewhat misleading condition. People who are not aware of it may think that they are simply being stupid or careless. That is why; you should get an assessment, so that you can get some clarification on the real reason why you have these difficulties. Getting to understand what dyslexia and its nature can be your very first step on battling with it.
Also, with this clarification, you can actively participate on developing appropriate strategies for your problem. You should understand that your condition can not change if you are not willing to act on it.
A Change Of Perspective
As said earlier, dyslexic people are usually thought of to be stupid. If you are a dyslexic, that maybe already be your outlook to your self. That is why getting an assessment can change your perspective on whatever difficulties that may come your way. You can also identify your areas of strength. In this way, your outlook on your problem can entirely change, since it would not be all negative, now that you know your strengths.
Software For People With Dyslexia
The Audioblox 2000 is a program that is based on the premise that the main problem is not the physical disability of the learner. The main problem is said to be the method on how the message is delivered and the learner’s preparation for it. This is just another one of the many methods how you can cope with your dyslexia.
How It Works
This method concentrates by working on the learning process’ basic tasks. It is believed that in able for a person to learn effectively, the educator should observe a sequence in teaching.
Similar to scaffolding, one simple skill should be taught first, before teaching a more complicated one. Certain things should be known by the learner first, before he or she can learn other information. This “prerequisite” kind of system makes learning an organized system.
The main objective of this program is to put into practice and automate your needed skills that lie beneath reading, writing, spelling, math and the whole process of acquiring more knowledge on different subject matters.
Basically, Audiblox is comprised of a system of different cognitive exercises. These exercises are generally aimed for the development of your foundational learning skills. When you are trained in this kind of program, your foundational skills are developed. Additionally, they are automated.
One fundamental skill that you need in able to learn is the ability to concentrate. Concentration is one important key in learning, because without it, you can not really achieve anything. You cannot grasp ideas or concepts if you are easily distracted. Optimal learning requires full concentration, or else, nothing is learned.
Another needed skill is perception. This may be auditory, visual, and haptic. The way you perceive things would highly affect how you understand them and how you can use them appropriately with your everyday life.
Proprioception is yet another skill that you need. Discriminating, synthesizing, and analyzing by the use of foreground, background, size, form, color and position in space or time, is a skill that can be useful with your everyday life.
Memory should also be developed. Just think how can you remember what you are learning if you do not have any kind of memory. That is why all kinds of memory such as short term, long term, auditory and visual are considered to be invaluable. Most dyslexics have problems with short term memory. However, when they associate some words with other things such as colors, remembering becomes easier for them.
Decoding And Integration
Next is your ability to decode information. Additionally, you should be able to integrate this decoded information, so that you can synthesize your learning process. If you cannot decode information that is given to you, then acquisition of new information is hampered.
The ability to understand the concept of numbers is also important. Today’s world revolves around math. Understanding simple number concepts is your first stepping stone in using numbers for daily application such as the use of money.
Motor Skills
Lastly, you also need your fine and gross motor skills. Body coordination is needed to perform simple tasks such as walking and difficult tasks such as writing. Flipping a page of a book already requires you good fine motor skills. Just think how you can learn without being able to simply turn a book’s page!
Technology To Treat Dyslexia
Modern technology has wonderfully developed through the years of intensive research and testing. The efforts of these researches have not come to waste since now the products are used to help people cope up with their disabilities and difficulties, whether acquired or natural.
Nowadays, you use a number of accessible devices that could practically help you with your difficulties. However, which specific device to use would highly depend on your condition’s nature and severity.
Devices For Spelling And Grammar
If spelling and grammar are your major problem areas, modern technology has something to offer you. There are now devices that have spell-checkers to correct your spelling, and grammar checkers for your grammar correction.
Additionally, most of the modern computers now also have these kinds of features, which can be invaluable to you. Such features work by showing you your spelling and grammar mistakes and by providing you with the correct form while giving you the option to change what you have already written.
Electronic Dictionaries
Electronic dictionaries are similar to conventional ones, only that they are somewhat easier to use and faster. This kind of device gives you word definitions, synonyms antonyms, and pronunciation.
This can also be helpful if you are learning a new language, since some can provide you translations too. Using one is pretty easy since all you have to do is type in the word and you can instantly see the vital information about the word.
Audio Machines
You can also use dictating machines to aid you with understanding what you are reading. Tape recorders are also useful, especially if you are studying and you’re finding it hard to follow what your teacher is saying. In this way you can listen to what you have recorded, even after class hours.
Audio-typing programs are also available. All you have to do is dictate the data that you want to be encoded, and your computer would automatically do the encoding.
Text to speech programs are somewhat similar, only that they work the other way around. Here you can hear the encoded data on your computer by clicking on a button that would let the computer speak out the data.
Even normal people benefit from this machine; for dyslexia that has numbers as the waterloo, a calculator is obviously of great help.
Memory telephones
Since short-term memory is a big problem for dyslexics, remembering phone numbers can already be a tedious task for you. So to save you from this endeavor, you can make us of memory telephones that have the feature of storing phone numbers and automatically dialing them.
Electronic Organizers
Time management, scheduling and organizing are some of the other problem areas that dyslexics face. That is why you can try using electronic organizers to help you with your schedule. These can be useful by reminding you about your appointments, deadlines and meetings. You can also use it to list down some tasks that you have to complete for the day.
Voice-activated Computers
Another great tool would be voice activated computers. Here there’s no need for typing of any sort of data. You can control the whole computer just by dictating your commands. You can also dictate any information that you want to be encoded in your computer’s word processing program. However, this kind of gadget can cost you a lot.
More Dyslexia Symptoms
Dyslexia can also have some misleading symptoms that when manifested seems to be not a condition at all. Sometimes, this kind of symptoms seems like just incidences of carelessness. However, if they happen too often, it is something that you shouldn’t overlook. So here are some of the misleading symptoms that dyslexia has.
Reluctance In Writing
When a person is reluctant in writing things down, this can sometimes be thought of as simple laziness. However, unknown to many, a simple trait like this can already be one manifestation of dyslexia. Some people, who know that they are dyslexic, try hard to cover up their condition. That is why they may seem to appear as if they are just too lazy to write. Yet, the real reason behind this is that they are having writing difficulties, due to dyslexia. In cases when a person is not yet diagnosed to have the condition, this symptom can purely appear as a lack of enthusiasm with writing.
Telephone Message Problems
When a person gets confused with telephone messages, it can appear as simple carelessness or inattentiveness. But if this kind of confusion carries on, then it is already something serious, such as dyslexia. This symptom can be a really big problem, especially if your job somewhat entails you to answer the phone and take messages, like secretaries or receptionists.
Note-taking Difficulties
Note-taking can be a tedious chore to do when you have dyslexia. This can be most especially true if you are studying or have a job that requires this skill, like waiters. The thing is, sometimes difficulty in this skill is thought of to be being plain stupidity or clumsiness, by most people. That is why it can be another misleading symptom, unless accompanied by more obvious symptoms of the condition.
Comprehending Other People
Another misleading symptom would be difficulty in following and comprehending what other people are saying to you. Most of the time, other people would simply accuse you of not attentively listening to them. What they don’t understand is that you have dyslexia, which is the cause of your difficulty in following what they say. Additionally, it is even more difficult if the speaker is talking too fast in a very noisy environment or setting.
Sequencing Difficulties
Problems in sequencing can also be experienced when you have this condition. Even simple problems such as sequencing the days of the week can already be difficult for a person with dyslexia. Other people who are not aware of the existence of this condition can sometimes label a dyslexic person to be an idiot or stupid, since such skill is expected to be mastered already, especially if you’re an adult.
Figure Or Letter Reversal
If you have dyslexia, writing can be a problem for you. You can sometimes reverse how you write the individual letters or figures. You can also reverse the sequence of how they are supposed to be positioned in a word or in a number.
Some dyslexic people can find it difficult to manage their time. However, deficiency in this skill can mislead someone to think that it is pure disorderliness, or simple personality differences.
These are some of the misleading symptoms of dyslexia. So, if you think you have these symptoms and some of the other more obvious signs of dyslexia, then be wary and try to get a consultation already.
Holisting Reading Method For Dyslexia
There are several programs and methods used in treating dyslexia. One of these is holistic reading. However, this method has undergone through a lot of research and testing, which led to the discovery of some issues against it.
Holistic Reading
A lot of experts believe that one main issue in field of dyslexia, is holistic reading. Because of holistic reading, a lot of people have come to be sight readers that have holistic reflex instead of phonetic readers that have a phonetic reflex.
A holistic reader is someone who perceives each word as if it’s a little picture. It is somewhat similar to the configuration of Chinese ideograph, where the reader would try to think what the word the symbol or character represents.
On the other hand, a phonetic reader is someone who associates letters to sounds. He or she would have to sound out each syllabic unit, which blends into one articulated word.
The Issue At Hand
The main concern here is that, failure to teach someone to read phonetically, but requiring him or her to memorize thousands of sight words isn’t really that helpful, since it can only produce educational dyslexia.
Sight words, by definition, are words that are learned without any reference to the sounds that the letters in the word stands for. Nowadays, a lot of publishers are selling books coupled with audio tapes so that, one can learn how to read using the sight method, even without the help of other people.
If this continues, the individual would only worsen his or her condition. A reading handicap is actually developed even more, without knowing it.
Experts have reached the conclusion that that when an inaccurate, subjective and ideographic teaching technique is imposed on a writing system that uses phonetic-alphabet and demands precise decoding, symbolic confusion is only created. Plus, frustration, cognitive conflict, and learning breakdown, also comes into play.
Knowing If You Are A Holistic Reader: The MWIA TEST
To know if you have become a holistic reader, you can try taking the MWIA test. This is a simple test that is used to measure the degree to which you have become a "subjective" reader.
This test was developed in North Carolina by Edward Miller, who is a former teacher and school administrator, back in the early 1990s. A lot of reading experts and school psychologists say that this method can help identify individuals that are schooled using the Holistic Reading method.
The MWIA test basically consists of two lists of words. The first list has words that are taken from the 220 most popular "sight words"; while the second list is taken from words in “Why Johnny Can't Read” by Rudolph Flesch, which are phonetically-regular words used in the first-grade level.
The main difference is that the words found in the first list, although may include about two dozen or more multi-syllable or irregular words, will be very familiar to Holistic readers. However, surprisingly, those words found in the second list may not. A holistic reader does not only slow down while reading the second list, but also commits some mistakes.
On the other hand, a phonetic reader is able to read both of the lists equally good. In fact, the second list may be read faster than the first since the words are easier.
Do You Have Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is one of the many learning disabilities that have an effect on language, and the acquisition of new knowledge. However, if you suspect that you have this condition, you should get a formal assessment. This is because; dyslexia can be mistaken for other learning disabilities that are related with it.
Here are some of the general symptoms that you have dyslexia and some of the related conditions that can be mistaken for it.
It Is Dyslexia!
When you have dyslexia, you may generally have some difficulty with the use of oral language. If possible, ask your parents or some relatives present during your childhood, whether you were a late talker or not. If they say yes, then this can be one sign of dyslexia. However, it can still be some other condition such as language delay.
Another characteristic would be difficulty in pronouncing words. Also, you may find it hard to acquire new vocabulary and use appropriate grammar for your age now. Directions are often confusing for you too, along with discriminating the difference of “before vs. after”, “right vs. left”, etc.
As a child, learning the alphabet was tedious for you. Even now, memorizing nursery rhymes and songs seem to be hard, even if you’re already an adult. Understanding concepts and the relationships of things can be something you don’t enjoy much. Additionally, word retrieval or naming problems are sometimes experienced.
It is dyslexia if you have had obvious difficulty with reading, such as learning how to read back when you were young, and inability to identify or make rhyming words. You can also have difficulty in counting the number of syllables that a word has.
Your phonological awareness can be damaged too. You may have some hearing difficulties. Plus, manipulating sounds in words is sometimes pretty hard to do. A little problem with your auditory discrimination can also be present, where you find it difficult to distinguish specific sound within a word.
Dyslexia can also show some difficulty in remembering shapes and names of letters. More often, you reverse your letters when writing or reading. You also tend to omit small words when you read, and stumble on long words. Comprehending what you have just read can also be a problem.
Your written language is also affected by dyslexia. You can experience some trouble in putting your ideas on paper. You can also have lots of spelling mistakes, and have problems in proofreading your work.
It Is Something Else
Some of the other conditions that are related with dyslexia are dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD or ADHD, and dyspraxia. Some of these conditions have similar problems with dyslexia. However, they also have specific symptoms that delineate them from it.
Dysgraphia is basically difficulty with handwriting. Here you are unsure whether you are right or left handed. You also have very poor or slow handwriting. Copying can be difficult. Plus you fine motor skills are really in a bad condition.
Dyscalculia deals with extreme difficulty with math. Simple counting of objects is already hard. You can also reverse your numbers and have lots of calculation errors. Memorizing math facts are not one of your favorite things to do, along with copying math problems.
ADD or ADHD deals with difficulty on attention. You are very inattentive and easily distracted by things around you. You can also be impulsive and hyperactive at times.
Dyspraxia is basically difficulty in coordinating and planning body movements. This can affect both gross and fine motor skills. You can have some difficulty in coordinating your facial muscles, in which a simple smile can be hard to do.
The Benefits Of Dyslexia Evaluations
Having dyslexia can have a great effect on your life. It can also affect how people treat you and how they see you. If you and other people are not aware that you have dyslexia, then be ready for a big emotional crisis with your life. This is one reason why getting an assessment for dyslexia, no matter how old you already are, is important.
If you get a formal assessment for the problem, and results show that you are positive for having one, then expect a lot of lifestyle changes to happen with your life. How your outlook on yourself can change along with the outlook of other people around you. That is just one general point of how an assessment can change your life, and there is more to that.
Things Can Now Be Fair
Getting an assessment can make things fair now in your life. For example, examiners or your professors may give you a very low grade, due to your poor performance. But now, once you get an assessment, they can reconsider the marks that they give you and make it somewhat relative to your condition or diagnosed ability.
With dyslexia, what you learn from a course can seem to be less than what normal people do. However, it may only appear less when you are asked to write about it. There are times that you know the lesson and understand it but simply can’t put it into writing. If this is the case, your examiner will be able to rate you fairly and won’t think that you are simply not studying for the subject.
A Different Judgment
If you get a formal assessment, the judgment of other people regarding how you are fit to do a job or not can change. People such as potential employers or admission tutors are some of the people that need to know if you are a dyslexic or not. Since dyslexia can affect a number of functional areas in your life, performing a certain position or a job should be well though of and deliberated on.
Getting into a program, course or job that requires a lot of writing skills can be a problem, especially if this is your major problem area. However, your assessment does not only show your weaknesses, but also your strengths. If your particular strength is pointed out in your assessment, and potential employers see this, their decision can change too.
Support And Grants
Getting financial support and grants are another advantage of getting a formal assessment. There are some organizations, universities or employers that provide additional support to cover for your additional training, guidance or therapy. They can also pay for some learning equipments that you may need such as computers and digital or tape recorders.
Receiving support for this kind of things can be very helpful in a lot of ways, most especially if you are financially challenged. A lot of organizations, companies and institutions are now opening their doors to the disabled population, and this includes the dyslexic population. So there is no reason anymore for you to be afraid of being diagnosed of having the condition.
Extra Time
Getting a formal assessment can also reveal that you may need extra time for taking examinations. In cases of examinations, the extra time given would depend on your assessed skill. Of course, you should not use your being dyslexic as an excuse for personal advantages, or for malingering.
Dyslexia At The Workplace
Even though adult dyslexics are tremendously talented, they still have some problems that may need special attention, especially coming from their employers and colleagues.
Most likely, adults with this condition are defensive and secretive. They also write down inverted financial figures and phone numbers. A simple memo can take an hour of their time just to decipher.
However, even with the acceptance of the condition, most would still likely try to hide their illiteracy from their colleagues. They have their own subtle ways on manipulating other people to write and read for them, which is a skill that most dyslexics have developed during their school years.
In most cases, severe headaches are the result of putting much effort into trying to read with accuracy. There is a loss of productivity that is obvious to anyone, although it can be hard to estimate up to what extent.
Playing such kind of masquerade won’t do any good in the part of both employee and employer. That is why openness about the condition is needed so that the employer and employee with the condition can help out each other in able to achieve productivity and success.
A little give and take between the employer and employee is important. Both sides should cooperate with each other on how they can improve the working experience and product of the employee.
One example would be devising a way to make it easier for the dyslexic adult to read while in the workplace. Employers should take charge and initiate that they’d be giving support to their employee to make reading easier. Adapting the workplace is easy, as long as there is cooperation between the workers and employers.
Some Reading Techniques In The Workplace
One way to help out reading disabled people so that they can efficiently work is to give them instructions orally. Dictating through an audio recorder or voice mail would also be helpful. Doing this can help save time and increase productivity since there is no more need for an hour long memo deciphering sessions.
Assigning someone to read things to them is okay. However, this can sometimes make the employee with the condition feel somewhat awkward. It would be better to provide a computer that has a voice synthesizer. The computer can easily be the one to read the memos for you employee.
Computers are of great help, since most dyslexics are good in using one. In fact, some people with this condition sometimes find it easier to read from screens than reading from paper. Additionally, they are able to compose presentable reports and letters by using the spell-checker feature of the computer.
On Writing
With regards to writing, avoid giving written tests that are similar to those given in school. Another is that if possible; avoid asking your dyslexic employee to fill in very complicated forms.
If your employee haven't had remedial training, then he or she has a somewhat disadvantage. But there’s no need to be discouraged, since they have accurate and detailed memories.
What you can do is to question them orally. You can also assign someone to write down their answers while they dictate it. If you really have to give a written test, then you are obliged to give extra time for your employee to answer it.
Additionally, the test should be conducted in an environment that is distraction free.
Guide To Dealing With Dyslexia
As an adult, after you undergo a formal dyslexia assessment, your psychologist would give you some general instructions on how you can deal with problems that dyslexia can bring about. This is done since as an adult, you are expected to understand and know already how dyslexia affects your life whether emotionally, socially, financially and the likes.
Being an adult you are also expected to be able to deal with these problems, provided that you are given correct instructions and advice. So here are some of the general instructions that a psychologist may give you after your formal assessment yields a positive result for the condition.
Acceptance And Information
When you are diagnosed to have dyslexia, the very first thing you can do to help yourself is to accept your condition. Denial can not do you any good. That’s why this may be the first thing that your psychologist would want to deal with, especially if they see that you have a very low self motivation regarding your problem.
Another general concern would be the people around you. Of course people that you meet and mingle with everyday has a big part in your life. This is especially true if you are working or studying. Letting them know and understand about your condition is the second best thing that you can do to help yourself.
By simply informing them and making them understand your condition, other people can make compensations and considerations for you. They can understand you better and stop thinking misleading thoughts about you.
The support of your family and friends is also important for your progress if ever you need to undergo special training. That’s why your psychologist may instruct you to tell them about your condition; so that they can provide the support and assistance that you may need during your training.
Special Considerations
Your psychologist would also likely discuss with you about special considerations. He or she may make a recommendation to your professors or any authority that you be allowed to have extra time, or other special arrangements, when taking any kind of examination or test. This is to ensure that your specific difficulties due to dyslexia would not improperly affect your performance during examinations.
Other Types Of Support
Another general instruction that can be given to you would be about the other types of support that you may need other than your family and friends. This support can be obtained by having a computer, which can greatly help you achieve tasks that you may have difficulty completing due to your condition.
Your psychologist would likely tell you about how and where you can get computers that has this kind of function. They may also recommend you to seek help from certain organizations that can provide such kind of gadgets.
Special Courses
You would also be briefed about your options regarding special courses that you can have. There are short courses that are specially planned to improve your performance in specific areas that you may be having difficulties with.
The courses usually include areas like reading, spelling, study-skills, report-writing, revision making, exam techniques, general organization and time-management. These areas are the common areas in which dyslexic people are having difficulties with.
Individualized Learning Program
You also have the option to have an individualized learning program. Your psychologist would tell you about how this kind of program works and the benefits it can give you.
How To Deal With Dyslexia
As an adult with dyslexia, you are not excused in dealing with day to day tasks that you need to complete for your survival. Thus, practicing some ways on how to deal with the common problems caused by the condition can be very beneficial, one way or another.
Reading Aloud
Reading aloud can be very helpful, in a way that you get to identify your mistakes and monitor your speech. Using a tape recorder for this technique is often the way to do it.
In this technique, you read out aloud while recording on your recorder. Then, you play back what you have just recorded and listen if you can detect some mistakes.
Your recorder acts as your “spotter” for the reading mistakes that you commit.
Time Keeping
Keeping track of time, appointments and schedules can be one problem that a dyslexic can face. Making use of the 24 hour clock format is one way so that you wouldn’t be confused on whether the time is during the night or day.
Writing What You Can Remember
Sometimes, when you are reading something long, you can have a hard time comprehending what you have just read. One way to cope up with this is through writing down what you can remember from what you have just read. For example, for every page that you finish, you write down ideas on your notebook.
However, this condition may seem to be a long process, since you would have to write everything that is on your mind. Nonetheless, even though it generally takes some time, it is very helpful during the long run.
Light It Right
The lighting of your environment can be very crucial, especially when you have dyslexia. Many have found that reading under bright lighting tends to slow down their reading. This is why having the right kind of light is important. Some find comfort in reading under soft white light, or even completely dim lighting.
Get Your Thoughts Back
When you are taking in too much information, you have a harder time on understanding what you are trying to learn. Thus, if you feel that you are not being productive anymore due to too much information, then it is about time that you take a break.
You should get your thoughts back in line. You can do this by simply taking a long leisurely walk outside and getting some fresh air. You can also try going to a quiet place, where you can do some meditation.
Finger spelling
If you have bad spelling skills, using the finger spelling method can be helpful to you. It works by putting up a finger for each phoneme or sound that you hear within the word. This method enables you to "see" the sounds. It can also work out which sounds are missing.
Using A Keyboard
Some people with dyslexia find it easier if they are spelling words through the use of a keyboard. The keys can sometimes give a calming effect to some individuals, while writing by hand can just cause the opposite.
These are some of the random ways on how you can ease up the effects of dyslexia in your life. The said techniques are often subjective, and can be helpful or not, depending on your condition.
Symptoms Of Dyslexia
Sometimes, a person with dyslexia can reach adulthood without even knowing he or she has the condition. To avoid this from happening, there are some symptoms of the condition that you can watch out for to know whether or not that you should seek the help and opinion of a professional to know whether you have the condition or not.
Dyslexia can manifest itself in a lot of different ways. Some of the symptoms are common while some can be very rare. All the presented symptoms of the condition, however, are most likely not present all at the same time for one person.
Difference In Achievements
A person with this condition can have an obvious discrepancy between his or her academic skills or achievement, and his or her real-life performance in verbal and practical problem-solving skills. This means, a dyslexic person can sometimes be very bad when it comes to academic concerns, while he or she can perform well when you are simply dealing with normal daily problem-solving.
One example would be a person who has a failing grade with basic math, but can do well when asked to get a number of objects. Another would be someone who has difficulty in reading class but seems normal when you talk with them.
Comprehension Problems
Another symptom would be comprehension problems. If it is taking you ages just to read a short book and has severe difficulty in understanding it then most probably, dyslexia is the culprit. For a example, a simple children’s fairytale book with illustrations like The Ugly Duckling, which has only about ten pages, already takes you 45 minutes to read and seems that you can’t understand what you are reading while doing so.
Reading And Spelling Problems
Comprehending what you are reading may not be the only problem that you have. You may also have a problem with reading itself. You can miss off the endings of some words while reading it or when you are spelling it. This is another one of the most common symptoms that dyslexia can present.
For example, you are reading and spelling the word “baby”. When reading, what may register to your mind is only “bab”, thus when you spell it, “bab” is the come out.
Poor Writing Skills
With dyslexia, your writing skills can be very poor too. You tend to have very bad hand writing and the overall presentation of your written work can be very bad. Not only will you have poor spelling, but you can also have some misusage of punctuation marks or even no use at all.
Writing Blocks
Writing blocks happen when most writers suddenly have a loss of ideas of what to write. However, in dyslexic people writing blocks can occur every time he or she attempts to write something, even if what he or she is about to write is only something as simple as his or her name. Not being able to concentrate and think of what you are about to write, is yet another general symptom of this condition.
These are just some of the general symptoms of dyslexia that you should watch out for. So, if you think that you have a manifestation of these symptoms in a very extreme level, then it is advised that you consult a professional now.
Employment And Dyslexic People
A lot of companies nowadays are opening their doors to people with disabilities, including those with dyslexia. If you have a coworker or colleague with this condition, it should not be the case that you belittle him or her because of his or her condition.
Additionally, it is a good thing that the law has given this issue some attention, since dyslexia is an official disability that can be governed by the Disability Discrimination Act, 1995.
As an employer or a colleague of a person with this condition, there are some things that you can do to help him or her out. Accordingly, there are some things that you shouldn’t do.
Support is something that most people with disabilities need. This is because most of the time they are treated as invalids, which shouldn’t be the way you treat a person with a disability. This principle applies exactly the same with individuals with dyslexia.
Support doesn’t mean you should do everything for them, nor leaving them alone so that they can do their thing. The kind of support you should give is support for them to become an independent individual even with the condition at hand.
What dyslexic people need are other people who can understand their condition and what they are going through. A little encouragement from you can do wonders. Knowing that someone believes in them and that they can do it is enough for a dyslexic to carry on his fight against his condition.
However, you should only give encouragement when it is appropriate. Overdoing this can make your colleague feel that he is being treated like a baby. This can only bring about frustration to them, so avoid it at any cost.
Problem Matters
One thing that you should avoid doing when you’re working with a dyslexic is regarding them as a ‘problem’. They are people too, thus you should treat them as one. A colleague with dyslexia is not an extra baggage to the team. Remember, all of you are employed in the same company. Thus, this means all of you have functions, even if your colleague with dyslexia may seem to have a different kind.
Strengths And Will
As an employer or a superior, you should learn to concentrate on their strengths. Try to see the positive side of the situation. Try your best not to be discouraged about your employee’s weaknesses and difficulties.
Another thing, you shouldn’t force them to do things that are against their will. They know their limitations, and there are times that when they say they can’t do it, then it really means they can’t.
Pushing them too hard would do no good. It is better to scaffold your way into training your employee with dyslexia to do more complicated tasks.
Doing a little tailoring would benefit you and your employee. Try to see your employee or subordinate’s strengths and pinpoint his talents. After doing this, try to find a position or a task in which you think those strengths and talents can be utilized efficiently.
If you do it this way, then it is a win-win situation both for you and your employee. This is because you get to have work done since your employee is productive, even if a disability is present.
Assessment Options For Dyslexia
If you are planning to get an assessment for your suspected dyslexia, there are some choices that you must consider. Basically, you can get a formal dyslexia screening or assessment from a couple of professionals that are allowed to do so.
Assessment From An Educational Psychologist (EP)
Your first choice and probably the best would be to get an assessment from an educational psychologist. This kind of assessment is considered to be the most comprehensive. The thing is they cost more.
This kind of assessment, however, are the ones frequently required as standard of proof by Tribunals, Examination Boards, Local Education Authorities, Colleges and Universities; which is why getting one can be really worth it, even if it can cost you much.
Usually, you have to answer a questionnaire for important background information. This is then sent to the Educational Psychologist. Next, you have a vital talk with the EP. You would have to undergo some activities that would usually take 2-2 ½ hours. Then, the EP would give a brief discussion about your results.
Lastly, you will get a confidential full written report, coupled with recommendations. You can get the report more or less in 3 weeks time from your assessment date.
Specialist Teacher Assessment
This kind of assessment is also comprehensive but is not that widely accepted as proof of the condition than the psychologist assessment. The same procedure is usually conducted, as with getting an assessment from an EP.
They also conduct brief assessments, where you have to do some activities for about an hour or so. After you have completed the activities, the specialist teacher will briefly discuss the results with you. He or she would also make some recommendations.
Occupational Therapists (OT)
You can also get an initial assessment of dyslexia from an independent occupational therapist. The yielded results are usually written into an intervention program that is specially tailored for you. You can then arrange follow up treatments, if you have to do so.
Undergoing occupational therapy would address particular difficulties related to balance and co-ordination. Such difficulties can vary from large or gross movements like riding bicycles to small or fine movements such as penmanship. However, occupational therapy is sometimes considered to be more helpful in addressing dyspraxia, which is a related condition to dyslexia.
Speech and Language Therapy (SLT)
Lastly, you can choose to get an assessment from a Speech and Language Therapist. The therapist can also give you an initial assessment of your condition. Just as with getting an Occupational Therapy assessment, your yielded results will be written into an intervention program that is tailored for you. Then you can arrange for therapy and treatment sessions to start your intervention.
Speech and language therapy is considered to be one of the major intervention programs that people with dyslexia can have. The therapy mainly focuses on language problems, which is the main concern of the condition.
Here, the assessment results already identify what your weaknesses are. The therapist then, automatically devices an intervention program for you to cope up with these specific problems.
Usually, after you get an assessment from an EP or Specialist Teacher, they would recommend you to see a speech and language pathologist to undergo intervention. If they observe that you also have problems with movement, then they would also require you to see an Occupational Therapist.
Assessing Dyslexia For Support
A lot of adults who are potential dyslexics have second thoughts on getting a formal assessment for dyslexia. If you are one of them, then it’s about time that you stop thinking this way. Getting an assessment is actually not so hard at all. In fact, it is very easy as long as you know where and how to get one.
How To Get A Formal Dyslexia Assessment
One institute that can help you with getting a formal dyslexia assessment is The Dyslexia Institute. They can help arrange an assessment session for you with a certified professionally qualified independent psychologist who has proficient knowledge on dyslexia.
It can be helpful for the psychologist to have additional background information about you from your tutors or employers; however, sometimes you may want to get advice first before involving other people.
Confidentiality Issues
If you are worried of your condition’s negative effect on your identity, then fear no more. You can be assured that the institute’s Consulting Psychologists and Institute staff would definitely treat all information that you give them confidentially. They would not release any kind of information without your permission.
What Happens During An Assessment
The assessment session would usually last for about two hours only. In this time span, discussion about the findings is already included. Additionally, you get to talk with a psychologist about different ways of dealing with any difficulties that may arise in the future regarding the information that were revealed during the session.
During an assessment, you will undergo a somewhat “investigation” about your learning, thinking, and problem-solving skills. This is done to get indications where are your areas of strength and difficulty. Additionally, it can examine your achievements on basic writing, reading, mathematics and spelling skills.
Relevance Of The Results
The details that are gathered during your assessment are used by the psychologist to ensure whether you have areas of performance that do not meet up to the expected level for your age. If the results are like that, then it is usually a sign that you have a specific learning difficulty, which is responsible for your complexity on developing certain abilities.
If your results yield complex data, then sometimes, further elaboration may be needed. In able to do this, more test are usually done. After the extra tests are done, you will have another talk with your psychologist to discuss about the new data gathered on your condition.
Need Help?
After getting an assessment, the first question that would probably pop into your mind is whether someone out there is capable of helping you. That question is immediately answered since after your assessment session, your psychologist would give you practical instructions depending on the severity of your case and difficulties that you are experiencing.
The instructions can also highly depend on your career and educational goals, which you sought out for.
Typically, these instructions would include making other people aware of dyslexia’s presence in your life. This is important so that they would not relentlessly pass judgment on your poor handwriting or spelling skills. There are a lot more other instructions that your psychologist can give you after the assessment; however, they greatly vary on a case to case basis.
So, now that you know how a typical dyslexia assessment for adults carries through, you can see that there is really no reason why you should be afraid of getting one and knowing if you have the condition or not.
Color Treatments For Dyslexia
A lot of adults that have dyslexia have learned to device ways on how to manage their condition. One of the methods commonly done is the use of colors.
A Fight With White
According to research, disorders like dyslexia are occasionally affected by color. It is believed that the 'glare' of white paper is the culprit on why children and adults with this condition have a hard time reading the page.
People that have this kind of dyslexia are not able to focus on the information they are reading on plain white paper. Thus, they have a hard time memorizing or learning the information that is written on the paper.
White paper is considered to be very aversive, which is the same reason why learning has become aversive as well.
Putting Some Color Into Your World
Due to this aversion that the color white brings upon, the use of color has been practiced in able to make reading somewhat more pleasant, especially to a dyslexic reader. So here are some ways on how putting color into your life can change your reading and organizational skills dramatically!
Color Coding
This method has been proven effective by a lot of dyslexics. This can have a great effect on your organizational skills. For example, color coding your computer disks by class can be helpful. You can also try making specific colored labels to stick to your disks, or CD’s so that you know which one is for which use.
Buying color coded notebooks can be done too. In this way, you know which notebook is for what class by simply looking at the color. Color coding saves you a lot of time, since you don’t have to waste your time looking through unorganized material.
Since most printed material in the market are usually on white paper, highlighters can become your best friend, if you want to read the page with some color. You can have several highlighters close by when reading books. This can also be helpful when you often lose track of the meaning of what you are reading and what part of the book are you already.
This may seem messy for some people, but it can be very helpful for dyslexics. However, be sure that whatever it is that you are highlighting is yours. Avoid highlighting library books since this can cause you to pay fines or even replace the book.
Colored Paper
If you don’t like highlighting data that you have written, then writing it down or printing it on colored paper would be useful. This can help you read more effectively, since there is no glare from white colored paper. You can do this if you have to print out some data on the computer.
Contrasting Colors
If you have problems with differentiating right from left, then you can try using colors to help you discriminate so. The use of contrasting colors, such as red and blue, would be best. For example, wearing a blue sock on your right foot and a red sock on your left can help you remember which is which.
This can be useful if direction is important with what you do, like in sports. When in training, instead of directing you with right and left, your coach can simply say the color, since it can be one way of associating direction for you.
Numerical Dyslexia
People with dyslexia can have problems on remembering numbers and codes. In the adult world, having this ability is important, since this is related in managing bank accounts and dealing with monetary issues.
Here are some techniques that most dyslexics use in order to cope up with their number problems.
Whole Number Method
Some people with dyslexia use the whole number method when they are trying to remember phone numbers. Here, you basically group the first three digits and consider it as a whole number. Then you divide the last four digits, into two groups, and consider them as two whole numbers.
For example, the phone number is 806-6757; this can be read as Eight hundred six, sixty seven, and fifty seven. By doing this method you are allowed to visualize the sounds of words, which make it harder for you to forget them.
Some dyslexics use the date method when remembering codes. For example you can use the year you were born as your door code number or pin number.
Pattern Method
Another method used in remembering numbers is through the use of patterns. By creating a pattern of numbers in the phone pad, it can be easier for you to remember the numbers. For example, “1478” makes a pattern of a capital “L” while “25846” makes a cross.
Use Your Knuckles
Most kids use this method to remember how many days are there in one month. Using this, even though you are not a kid is alright. In fact, a lot of dyslexic adults use this method, since you have your knuckles anywhere you go.
Comparing Numbers
Some dyslexics have problems with comparing numbers. Some do not have the ability to visually compare numbers. If you are having the same kind of problem, then you can try using your calculator to know that the numbers are different. You can do this by subtracting one number from the other. If you get a zero, then this means they are the same, if not, then they are different.
Money Matters
Some conditions of dyslexia may give you problems in counting money. Some people find this very embarrassing. To avoid counting out change, what is usually done by dyslexics is to be ready by simply having a larger bill than your estimated amount of purchase.
In this way you can accumulate a lot of change. You can then get rid of these by already counting out the exact amount of small purchases that you will be making in the near future. Putting the counted amount into a separate change purse then would make the whole process easier for you.
Dot Method
Some dyslexics that have problems in understanding number concepts and using this method is one way they help themselves. Here you visualize a specific pattern of dots for the numbers one to nine. Using a dice can be helpful too.
Some use their ability to draw in remembering phone numbers. In this method, you perceive the numbers as parts of a whole picture or drawing. The picture is what is then stored in your mind. With just a little concentration on your part, remembering numbers won’t be a problem anymore.
These are just some of the ways how some adults with dyslexia have managed to deal with their condition. However, you should take note that each technique can vary from one case to another. That is why its effectiveness can differ too.
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